

The following are the Duties and Responsibilities for each Standing Committee listed in The Turtle Bay Association By-Laws and approved by the Board of Directors.

COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE –  Is responsible for overseeing the publication of the TBA newsletter, maintain the TBA web site and all social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and for updating information on the TBA bulletin board. The committee will oversee publicity for Association events and issues as they may arise. Final content will be reviewed by the Executive Committee and subject matter experts on the Board or outside the Association, who can either submit copy or assure its accuracy prior to publication.

FINANCE COMMITTEE – Chaired by the Treasurer, this committee is responsible for supervising the Association’s finances and budgetary procedures. This committee analyzes expenditures, makes forecasts and develops an annual budget. This committee prepares and reviews requests for grants.

MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE – Is responsible for recruiting new individual and business members. The Committee is responsible for increasing business membership to help promote business in the TBA area and works with business owners in matters of safety and security. The Committee members will act as the Hospitality Committee greeting and registering members and prospective members at all Turtle Bay Association events and functions.


The Professional Networking Group was formed to meet the networking needs of our neighbors. The mission of the Group is to provide professionals, who live and/or work in the Turtle Bay area, with opportunities to connect and collaborate with their contemporaries.

The Group holds gatherings throughout the year at various neighborhood establishments in order to support local TBA business members. Events are listed on the website’s calendar and communicated via email, as well as on our social media pages.

We welcome all ages to attend our gatherings. We also encourage non-members to take part in our events and offer discounted annual membership dues of $30 for those who wish to join TBA’s Professional Networking Group.

PARKS/TREE BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE – Is responsible for overseeing and/or planning, maintenance, renovation, and community activities in the parks, play grounds and open spaces in the Turtle Bay neighborhood. The committee serves as a liaison to local government agencies, the Community Board, as well as other neighborhood park groups. This Committee is the liaison with the Turtle Bay Tree Fund to work to restore trees and tree beds in the Turtle Bay area. The Committee will attend the Environment & Parks Committee meetings of CB 6.

QUALITY OF LIFE/SAFETY COMMITTEE – Maintains a liaison between the Turtle Bay Association and the local 17th Precinct, the Neighborhood Coordination Officers (NCO), the Fire Company and other emergency services provided by the city.

The Committee attends and reports on the 17th Precinct Community Council meetings, and the Public Safety Committee meetings of CB 6. It is responsible for maintaining communication with all environmental city services and 311. The Safety Committee is the liaison of TBA regarding complaints and violations with the Sanitation Department and the Doe Fund.

SPECIAL EVENTS COMMITTEE – Is responsible for planning and organizing the annual events of the Association, to include the annual Street Fair, for the purposes of fundraising as well as charitable, educational, informative, and other neighborhood events that are of interest to our members.

ZONING/LAND USE/LANDMARKS COMMITTEE – Is responsible for monitoring matters pertaining to land use, zoning, landmark designation, and transportation. The Committee will attend the Land Use/Waterfront Committee meetings of CB 6, any City Planning Commission and/or others meetings appropriate to represent the views of the Turtle Bay Association to gather information, and report back to the Board of Directors.